You can learn how to cook Restaurant Quality Meals or you can let us do the cooking and cater to you. Please view our services below.
Learn how to make a signature dish. Chef gives you a hands on experience. If you’re a husband who wishes to show your wife how special she is on your wedding anniversary or just a group of friends who want to add a special dish to their list of favorites, this is the service for you. Create a fabulous dish alongside a professional Chef.
Learn how to cook like a pro. Chef teaches you how to cook various dishes like a professional Chef. It’s not just about slicing and dicing but proper food handling, cooking temperatures, and cross contamination. This class can be one on one or in a small group. Live your dream of cooking gourmet meals for your family and friends.
Host a demonstration. Chef will come into your home or place of business to personally prepare a dish of your choosing. Whether it’s you and a couple friends at your home or a group of colleagues at a place of your choice, enjoy a wonderfully prepared and delicious meal. A tasting follows, which can include a paired wine or speciality cocktail.
Hire your own personal chef. Chef is available to come to your home and cook for a day or even a week depending on your schedule and needs. Have your meal or meals professionally prepared for your entire family. Eat like a celebrity and choose daily meals personally catered to your taste buds.
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“Every dish had incredible flavor and perfect texture. I am impressed & was excited about every bite. The Salmon Baguette is a keeper.”

- Rashad
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